About Us

Service Stars - Community Jobs Alliance, often called Service Stars, helps to find jobs for multicultural communities living in Victoria. Service Stars believes in partnerships - there is so much more we can do together than by repeating or competing.

The service is particularly focused on multicultural women and men who have no work experience, or no work experience in Australia. Service Stars can help new arrivals get their first job.

There might be opportunities for a first job with a partner employer, clear advice and information on training and career paths and demonstrations on how to apply for work. At all times we provide a supported, positive and successful experience.

Service Stars delivers relevant, practical and basic industry training that prepares participants for work and has been developed in consultation with industry and community and experience. Our unique delivery and culturally sensitive approach ensures active participation and learning.

Participants are supported and mentored for 12 months -sometimes even longer. Everyone involved has found that they have developed the skills, knowledge and strength to make their own decisions and build their future.

We have worked with over 650 women and men to date.